According to some historical accounts, tomorrow is the anniversary of death/martyrdom of Fatima (holy daughter of Prophet Muhammad). According to wikipedia:
For the few months that she survived following the death of her father, Fatima found herself indirectly at the center of political disunity. Differing accounts of the events surrounding the commencement of the caliphate exist which were the cause of the Shiite and Sunni split. The majority of Muslims at the time of Muhammad's death favored Abu-Bakr as the Caliph while a portion of the population supported Fatima's husband, Ali. Fatima courageously defended Ali's, fiercely opposed the election of Abu-Bakr, and had violent disputes with him and particularly with Omar (who was finally appointed as second caliph by Abu-Bakr).
Following his election to the caliphate after a meeting in Saqifah, Abu-Bakr and Umar with a few other companions headed to Fatima's house to obtain homage from Ali and his supporters who had gathered there. Then Umar threatened to set the house on fire unless they came out and swore allegiance with Abu Bakr. There isn't consensus among the sources about what happened next.
Some Shiite historians hold that Umar called for Ali and his men to come out and swear allegiance to Abu Bakr. When they did not, Umar broke in, resulting in Fatima's ribs being broken by being pressed between the door and the wall causing her to miscarry Muhsin which led to her eventual death.
Here I’m not to judge the history, but just to report a procession commemorating the event. Such processions carry a symbolic weight and I try to explain some of the symbols included in photos. They usually include flash-backs and flash-forwards between associated historical events as well.
A flag containing some information about the group that directs the event; it reads: "Mother of the Heaven", Community of the Lovers of Imam Mahdi.
One of the groups of people who joined the procession; White, as usual, is the symbol of goodness.
Funeral of Fatima; many observers take photos or record the event, like me.
Green is the symbol of being a descendant of holy Prophet and Red is a symbol of cruelty; thus these are the soldiers who took Ali (the handicapped one with green turban) to the mosque in order to swear allegiance to Abu-Bakr.
The door of the house of Fatima; red spots are a sign of her miscarriage, and black shade is remembering of the door being burnt.
Above parts together;
Quran, mirror, well and palm; symbolizing a simple Arab house of the past.
This episode is mostly associated with Karbala incident, in which Hussein (son of Fatima) was defeated and beheaded for he failed to swear allegiance to Yazid. After the incident, Hussein's family and children were taken captives and brought to Damascus.
Reciting religious chants, along with necessary, mobile equipments;
The house of Fatima, with her behind the door;
Sons of Fatima mourning for their mother; nobody rests in the coffin.
This man is distributing water. Water always plays an important role in Shiite ceremonies, for Yazid's army decided not to provide water for Hussein's companions during the final days of Karbala incident.
A part of the scenario;
Playing instruments;
من اصولا هر سال همچین روزی کتاب کشتی پهلو گرفته مهدی شجاعی رو می خونم!
تا حالا هم سرچ نکرده بودم در این مورد
ممنون از یاداوری
بي خواب يا هر چه که منظورتان از اين نام است
فکر مي کنم بار اول است که شما را ملاقات ميکنم. ممنون از کامنتتان. موفق باشيد.
یعنی میگید این آرم هایی که ما از کنارش ساده میگذریم و فکر می کنیم که عادی و مورد قبول عام است، هیچ نسبتی با یهود نداره !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
اگه اینطوری ساده انگارانه به قضیه نگاه کینم که میشیم مثل اون ........نه
پاسخ پرسش شما را من نداده بودم و ديگري داده بود.
وقتي نوشتم"آه"منظورم دقيقاً آهي بود كه "آه" باشد...
گرچه مي دانم همان طور كه گفته ايد هر چيزي به اذن اوست و لاغير...
زير نويس عكس ها را فهميدم . بقيه اش دست و پا شكسته .
موفق باشيد .
مطلبی که در روزنامه نوشته بودید ادبیاتی بسیار قابل فهم تر از نگارش کامنتهایتان داشت. لااقل یه چیزی فهمیدیم.
در وبلاگتان اسم همه ي دوستان پیوندی تان انگلیسی است مگر
كه تايپ كرده ايد
az tasavorash ham be vajd miayam.
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